Where format is a request parameter defining the requested response format and callback is the name of your callback function in your Web application, which will be supplied by jQuery in this case. 其中format是定义请求响应格式的请求参数,callback是Web应用程序中回调函数的名称,本例中由jQuery提供。
The service also does one operation that checks the credit score for an account number that is passed as a parameter in the body of the HTTP request following the format: "AccountNum= XYZ". 该服务还执行另一个操作,即检查作为HTTP请求的参数传递的帐号的信用得分,其格式为“AccountNum=XYZ”。
Format for payload parameter values: In DCOM, the payload is written in a format known as Network Data Representation ( DR). 有效负载参数值的格式:在DCOM中,有效负载是以一种称为网络数据表示法(NetworkDataRepresentation,DR)的格式编写的。
The format of the output buffer is defined by the3rd parameter ( Format name). 输出缓冲区的格式由3rd参数(格式名称)定义。
The alt parameter, which specifies the feed format ('atom'or'json ') alt参数,它指定提要格式('atom'或'json')
If you set xdebug.trace_format to0, the output is human-readable. ( Set the parameter to1 for machine format.) 如果将xdebug.traceformat设为0,则输出将符合人类阅读习惯(将参数设为1则为机器可读格式)。
After issuing the query, the code checks for a request parameter for a format element. 在发出查询之后,代码检查格式元素的请求参数。
This command takes many options, but its basic use is fairly simple: Pass it the create parameter, the-f fmt parameter to set the format, the filename, and the size of the image. 该命令有很多选项,但基本使用相当简单:传递给它create参数、-ffmt参数来设置格式、文件名和镜像大小。
This parameter determines the view that is to be shown, and the client's preferred format ( HTML for instance). 该参数决定了要显示的视图和客户机的首选格式(例如HTML)。
A good script makes sure that the parameter is of a proper format, contains reasonable characters, and so on. 好的脚本确保参数的格式是适当的,包含合理的字符,等等。
The format parameter, which restricts the feed to videos in a specific format format参数将视频提要限制为一种特定格式
The dateFormat parameter tells the method which format pattern to use. 参数dateFormat显示了格式模式使用的方法。
Next, it needs to accept a format parameter and encode the data based on that format. 然后,它需要接受一个格式参数并基于该格式编码数据。
One of the most useful is the rs: Format parameter, which is used to specify the format in which to render the report. 其中最有用的一个参数就是rs:Format参数,它用于指定呈现报表的格式。
This parameter must have the same format as the front buffer. 此参数必须与前台缓冲区具有相同的格式。
When set to true, this parameter specifies that the recipient preferred message format settings will override the global settings for mail sent to this user. 设置为true时,对于发送到此用户的邮件,此参数指定收件人首选邮件格式设置将覆盖全局设置。
Then, PRO/ E program design concept is adopt to realize the parameter design by the control of ourselves design equation and generate the models conveniently. Using ICEM, the model is meshed in full hexahedral format. 应用PRO/E里的程序设计思想,实现模型的设计方程控制的参数化辅助设计和采用ICEM对生成的模型全六面体网格划分。
Including of RTL code logic synthesis, physical layout implementation, Design Rule Check, Layout with Schematic check, parasitic parameter extraction, Static Timing Analysis and format validation. 包括对RTL代码进行逻辑综合、物理版图实现、设计规则验证、版图与网表一致验证、寄生参数提取、静态时序分析和形式验证等。
Finally, the paper mapped the data transfer size, specified by the 3GPP protocol, which is indicated by the transmit data block size parameter ITBS, to the format of retransmission data packets. 最后,本文针对协议中规定的数据传输大小进行了深入研究,将传送数据块大小指示参数ITBS与重传数据分组样式相互唯一对应。
At present, there are problems in the parameter format incompatibility among the different producers, the information exchanging difficulty in different levels of power system information center, the repeating development of the graphic platform. 目前,图形系统存在的问题有不同厂商的图形系统和分析软件之间参数格式不兼容;不同级的电力信息中心数据交换困难;图形界面软件的重复开发。